DIY Pop Top Camper Build – 2000 Jeep Cherokee
The redesigned Pop Top Cherokee reached completion in April, 2020.
A product of traditional fiberglass mold-making.

The Process
Building the DIY pop top: The mold was lifted from a hand-shaped plug and is constructed of tooling gelcoat, CSM (chopped-strand-mat) and polyester resin (totaling 1/4″ thickness).
The mold was then wrapped in a steel-tube exoskeleton to maintain rigidity & precise fit. This fiberglass process allowed for a profile shaped custom to the intended vehicle: Our 2000 Jeep Cherokee XJ Build.

The part (finalized pop top camper) is constructed of black production-grade gelcoat, CSM and vinyl ester resin (totaling 3/16″ thickness). The build process also integrated a laminated cedar/epoxy interior that added further rigidity to the central plane of the camper shell.

A new scissor-lift hinge system was fabricated from two layers of 1/4″ steel flat bar stitch welded together (effectively 1/2″) and machined to extend to the desired angle. This allows for a DIY pop top that raises to a stable ~3 foot height at the rear and a raised ~12 inches of clearance along the front.
Nylon flange bearings (shoulder washers) were installed at all pivot points to reduce friction and provide a smooth opening & closing of the camper.
Epoxy resin was applied liberally at all fastening points that drilled through the fiberglass top (waterproofing) and 1″ plus fender washers were used as added insurance against stress cracking.

The overall outcome resulted in a professional grade camper top unique to the current small truck camper and van-life market. This little jeep provides maximum comfort in a small footprint ideal for tighter trails and travels.
Want to see more on the full DIY Pop-Top Camper build process?
Stay tuned & check out the full build below!
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